Five New Master Programs in Georgia
Professor Gigi Tevzadze, Rector of Ilia State University, Mr. Goga Khachidze, Minister of Environment Protection of Georgia, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Mr. Frank Flasche, Program Director of German International Cooperation (GIZ) signed a memorandum of cooperation at the German House. The agreement includes the implementation of five new master degree programs in Georgia.
Mr. David Tarkhnishvili, Director of ISU Institute of Ecology and Joachim Puhe, Coordinator of Forest and Natural Resources of the Ecology Institute, made the brief presentations on the master degree programs. The Minister of Environment Protection Goga Khachidze and ISU Rector Gigi Tevzadze highlighted the importance of the cooperation.
With support of the Ministry of Environment Protection of Georgia, all interested parties will have opportunities to learn five master degree programs in ecology at Ilia State University: MSc (Master of Science) in Ecology, Forestry and Natural Resources, and MBA (Master of Business Administration) in Sustainable Forestry and Natural Resources Management. Professors from the western universities will visit Georgia to share their experience.
The purpose of a new initiative is directed to the promotion of environmental faculties and improvement of higher education in the term of ecology and forestry.