
Financing Schools, Analysis of the Problem

ISU held a presentation of the monograph “School Financing: Analysis and the Ways of solving the Problem”. The monograph was compiled in the frames of the grant by Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Fund. The authors of the book are associated professor Shorena Maglakelidze, Zurab Giorgibiani and Berika Shukakidze. The project started in 2006 with the first grant from Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Fund, the name of the project was “Governance of the School, Analysis and the Ways of solving the Problem”. In the frames of this project meetings were organized with almost all the directors of Georgian schools and especially in the Adjara region and it needs to be mentioned that they were very interested in implementation of the project. This project was the reason for implementing of new project which addresses the issues of financing the schools analysis and ways of solving the problem.

Presentation was led by ISU College of Arts and Science associated Professor Shorena Maglakelidze. Monograph is presented in two parts, these are theoretical topics about financing the school (in this part there is a discussion of the opinions of world known scientists and researchers about the issue) and practical examples. There are four examples and among them the system of financing in the United States. The authors of the monograph got acquainted with this very system personally when they visited USA in the frames of the project. There are also examples of Poland and other European countries. From the monograph we can see that the finances that we have for the education in Georgia are very small to compare with the other countries. 

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