
Caucasus Study-Practical Seminar

On March 15-17 this year Dedoplistskaro held third Caucasus Study-Practical seminar with participation of students and professors from Ilia State University and Jena University (Germany). 

Professors, PhD and master students of Ilia State University presented interdisciplinary reports and the outlines of future research projects addressed the timely issues of Georgian and generally Caucasian history and ethnology. Abovementioned reports were prepared at ISU Visual Anthropology and Local History research laboratory and are the part of the database - "Georgian Ethnographic Dictionary" prepared on the base of this laboratory.

The professor of Jena (Germany) and Montreal (Canada) Universities Mr. Kevin Tuite shared with the participants the research project prepared with his guidance - Transformations of Sacred Spaces, Pilgrimages and Conceptions of Hybridity in the Post-Soviet Caucasus. Abovementioned project is already financed from German fund -Volkswagenstiftung- and will be implemented in 2013-2015. In the project ISU professor Paata Bukhrashvili, students and employs of the International School of Caucasus Studies are involved.


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