
Another PPRTC Research Presentation

Presentation and discussion on policy report: “Analysis of Average Expected Lifespan Change in Georgia” was held on June 17; the report was a Public Policy Research and Training Center grant winner. Ilia State University Professor, Nikoloz Maglaperidze is the research author.

The research determined leading fatal reason that affects increased or decreased lifespan. Decomposition method used in the research revealed that for last 2 years expected lifespan in Georgia has not only increased, but also reached stagnation; the research also showed that the largest reserve for expected lifespan increase is determined by the decreased number of oncology diseases.

Specific recommendations were drafted bases on the research, concerning effective implementation of systemic approach by the government, in order to ensure increased average lifespan in Georgia.

Ilia State University Head of Administration, David Aprasidze, Head of USAID Health and Social Development Office, Tamar Sirbiladze and EWMI-G-PAC   Adviser in Public Policy Matters, Jason Swantek gave talks during the presentation and emphasized the role and importance of such research.

After the presentation, discussion was held between the research authors and government representatives.

Representatives of Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Affairs of Georgia, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, L. Sakvarelidze Illness Control and Public Health National Center and other international organizations attended the presentation.

Public Policy Research and Training Center plans to keep holding similar presentations and discussions on relevant topics of public policy in future.
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 Dr. Nikoloz Maghlaperidze

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