Access to Project MUSE
Ilia State University Library offers yet another service to its clients - access to the famous Project MUSE - providing user-friendly online access to a comprehensive selection of humanities and social sciences journals online.
The access to the MUSE was secured through the program ”Academic Swiss Caucasus Net”. The aim of this five-year project is the development and support of social science and humanities research in the Caucasus. The program is funded by GEBERT RÜF STIFTUNG and carried out by Interfaculty Institute for Central and Eastern Europe of Freiburg University.
Project MUSE, managed by the John Hopkins University University Press, is a is a unique not-for-profit collaboration between libraries and publishers. MUSE's online journal collections support a diverse array of research needs at academic, public, special and school libraries worldwide. Currently, MUSE provides full-text access to current content from over 400 titles representing nearly 100 not-for-profit publishers. The complete content of each and every journal issue is online—including all charts, graphics and images—with most articles available in both HTML and PDF. Many popular indexing/abstracting services and e-journal gateways, as well as JSTOR, BC-CLIO, EBSCO, ISI Web of Science, ProQuest, etc are linked to MUSE content. Project MUSE also provides users with tools including citation exporting, RSS feeds, and social bookmarking to assist with saving and sharing favorite content.
The second biggest collection (Standard Collection) is available for the Ilia State University. It includes 320 journals. MUSE's biggest collection (Classic Collection) includes in total 467 journals. To compare collections, please, click here.
MUSE's user guides and other additional resources are available here.
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