
Access to Humanities International Complete (EBSCOhost)

Humanities International Complete (EBSCOhost) has added to ISU electronic Library. The right to use the electronic base is provided through 2013.

Humanities International Complete is purchased within the frameworks of Tempus project: “Development of Model Doctoral Schools in Ukraine and Georgia” (Project Coordinator – Keti Gurchiani).

Humanities International Complete provides its users with full versions of bibliographic records and articles from international editions. The comprehensive electronic base comprises Humanities International Index that includes three million bibliographic records (index, abstracts and etc) about articles, essays, reviews, original stories, overviews, poems, artistic works, photos, paintings and illustrations. In addition, Humanities International Complete contains complete versions of articles from 1.200 international scientific journals. 

Humanities International Complete is accessible by ISU internet network and also, through ISU corporate emails from outside of the university. 

For access to Humanities International Complete from any computer connecting to the portal of the university, please click here.

For access to the electronic library from outside of the university, please click here.

See guideline for users here.

For additional information, resources and instructions, click here.

Good Luck!


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