On October 21, Ilia State University celebrated the 2nd anniversary of the project “Azrebi.ge”. The student campaign “Colored Ideas of ISU Students” was organized. During several hours, all students were given a chance to write down their ideas on the colored papers and stick on the wall
On October 20, Ilia State University hosted an international conference dedicated to the actual topics of Parasitology. The conference was devoted to the 100 anniversary of Boris Yurashvili, outstanding Georgian scientist, member-correspondent of the Academy of Science and Doctor of Biology. The doctor, biologi
On October 20, Jamie McGoldrick, UN Resident Representative in Georgia, met ISU students. The meeting was devoted to the celebration of United Nations Day. The meeting aimed at familiarizing the students with the works of UN agencies and discussing the current issues proceeding in the country. Mr. McGoldrick answered t
The concert of Artur Dutkiewicz Trio, a well-known Polish Jazz assembly, will be held at Ilia State University within the framework of the Polish days organized in Tbilisi. The jazz interpretations of Jimi Hendrix’s songs will be performed at the concert. Attendance is free. The event will be held on October 2
On October 14 the Iliauni Theatre performed a premiere of the renewed version of "the Instinct" (directed by Othar Egadze). "The Instinct" is a performance created according to the comedy by modern French Playwrights Jean-Jacques Bricaire and Maurice Lasaygue "The Error, or Masculine Singular" (“La Berlue ou le
On October 18, Professor S. Ismat Shah (University of Delaware, USA) delivered a public lecture on “Nanotechnology and Future Energy Options” at Ilia State University Hall A 101(Chavchavadze Ave. 32). There are only few alternative energy sources that are viable for life-after fossil fuels. Photovoltaics a
On October 20, 11:00, Jamie McGoldrick, UN Resident Representative in Georgia, will held a meeting devoted to the United Nations Day for ISU students at Ilia State University Hall A 101. The meeting aims at familiarizing the students with the works of UN agencies and discussing the current issues proceeding in the coun
IREX organizes a presentation of the Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program at Ilia State University. All interested persons are given a chance to attend the meeting to get update information about procedures, criteria and terms of the program. The presentation will be held on October 20, 14:00, at Ilia State Un
On October 20, 14:00, Prof. Aleksander Schwarzenberg-Czerny, Head of the Polish Cosmic Research Program BRITE-PL, will visit Ilia State University within the framework of the Polish days. Prof. Aleksander Schwarzenberg-Czerny will talk about the first Polish cosmic satellite. For detailed information about the progra
The Embassy of Poland in Georgia and Ilia State University College of Arts and Sciences invite all interested persons to attend the information meeting organized with the intention of finding out more about exchange programs and scholarships offered by the Government of Poland. The meeting will be leaded by the represe
On October 18, 14:00, Ilia State University Hall A 101(Chavchavadze Ave. 32) will host a training on the topic “Opportunities Around Us”. The students will be given the opportunity to get update information about exchange programs, international conferences and contests. The presentation of “Speak
On October 19, 12:00, Krzysztof Wielicki, outstanding Polish alpinist and high-altitude climber, will visit Ilia State University within the framework of the Polish days. Krzysztof Wielicki is the first person who climbed K2 and Everest throughout the winter period. He invaded fourteen 8000-meter peaks of the world.