School of Arts and Sciences of Ilia State University announces admission to the English language Summer School Programme Regional Conflicts and Peace Prospects that will be held on 10-17 June 2018 in Kiev and Odessa. The School aims to expand students’ knowledge on ongoing regional conflicts and peace pros
Ilia State University and the U.S. Embassy in Georgia in cooperation with Lavin Entrepreneurship Center (San Diego State University in California, the USA) is granting you the unique opportunity to attend a training course in entrepreneurship by Kimberly Davis King. The entrepreneurial training program is being impleme
Assistant professor at Ilia State University and employee of the Institute of Zoology, Shalva Barjadze, along with his Polish colleagues Mariusz Kanturski, Karina Vichorek and American Andy Jensen has revised the aphid genus Myzaphis. The new aphid genus Richardsaphis gen. nov. Kanturski & Barjadze (from the USA an
Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University announces admissions to one-month Summer School on the topic Heritage Development and Valorization, Cultural Economy and Public Action. The course combines theological and methodological training and targets at future doctoral students interested in economy, cultural politics
A book's presentation: Marc Junge, Bernd Bonwetsch, Daniel Müller: "Georgia on its way. Shades of Stalinism", Tiflis 2018 (in Georgian language). PD Dr. Marc Junge, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany With support from German Volkswagen Foundation a team of German and Georgian historians together with the Archiv
From the summer semester of 2018, the Public Relations Master Programme will be carried out at Iliauni Business School. At the beginning of the academic year, a public lecture was held for public relations students and graduates. Giorgi Kadagidze, Dean of the Business School talked on business relations with students.
PD Dr. Andrea Hilger, German Historical Institute MoscowDr. Heike Winkel, German War Graves Commission The research and documentation project "Soviet and German prisoners of war and internees" was initiated on 22 June 2016 on the basis of a joint declaration by the foreign ministers of Germany and Russia, Frank-Walter
In influential scientific journal Nature Physics, scientific work called Alfvén wave dissipation in the solar chromosphere has been published by co-authorship of Ilia State University professor and researcher of Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory, Teimuraz Zakarashvili. In the work, Il
On February 15-16, 2018 a kick-off meeting of the project-“Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries” was held in Yerevan State University. The objective of the project is to enhance student learning experience i
Promotion of healthy lifestyle is among the main objectives of ISU Department of Student Affairs. For this purpose, the Department organizes regular tournaments, and runs student teams that take part in different sporting events. University Tournaments ISU students, as well as administrative and academic personnel, ca
On February 15, a workshop of the HERITAG (Higher Education interdisciplinary Reform In Tourism management and Applied Geoinformation curricula) project within the framework of Erasmus + program was held at Ilia State University. The meeting was attended by representatives from partner universities and experts of exter