School of Business, Technology and Education ILIA STATE UNIVERSITY


5th European Ecotourism Conference–EUROECO2018


On 10 September 2018, the Fifth European Ecotourism Conference, organized by the Georgian Ecotourism Association and Ilia State University Business School, was opened. Main speakers included Glen Jampol, Chair of the Global Ecotourism Network and Masaru Takayama, Founder of the Asian Ecotourism Network.

The three-day conference offered professionals, students and others interested in tourism an opportunity to hear presentations and learn practical experience from over twenty tourism experts from around the world, including Georgia, Japan, Costa Rica, Italy, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Spain, Germany, the UK, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Armenia, Norway, Portugal, Croatia, US, Montenegro and Belarus. 

The goal of the conference was to support sustainable development of ecotourism and to address issues relating to the mitigation of the adverse impact of tourism in Europe and developing recommendations.

The conference ended on 12 September 2018.


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