

Ilia State University Academic Calendar 2023-2024 for students pursuing bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees as well as for those enrolled in the integrated bachelor’s / master’s teacher training and Medical Doctor (MD) Programs

  Start  End 
Fall Semester     
Lecture Period  from 25.09.2023 to 20.01.2024 inclusive
Christmas Holidays  from 25.12.2023 to 07.01.2024 inclusive 
Examination Period  from 22.01.2024 to 17.02.2024 inclusive 
Spring Semester    
Lecture Period  from 04.03.2024 to 15.06.2024 inclusive
Examination Period  from 17.06.2024

to 13.07.2024 inclusive

Ilia State University 2024-2025 Academic Calendar for Students in Educational Programs for Teacher Training

  Start End
Fall Semester    
Lecture period from 30.09.2024 to 25.01.2025 inclusive
Christmas holidays from 25.12.2024 to 07.01.2025 inclusive
Examination period from 27.01.2025 to 15.02.2025 inclusive
Spring Semester    
Lecture period from 04.03.2025 to 16.06.2025 inclusive
Examination period from 17.06.2025 to 14.07.2025 inclusive

Public Holidays

  • January 1 and 2 – New Year’s holidays;
  • January 7 – Christmas;
  • January 19 - Epiphany;
  • March 3 – Mother's Day;
  • March 8 – International Women's Day;
  • April 9 – Day of National Unity, the day when the Act of Restoration of State Independence of Georgia was adopted. The day of civil consent, and remembrance of those who died for the country;
  • Easter days - Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Day, Easter Monday – the second day of Easter also known as the Monday of Souls (dates are moveable);
  • May 9 – Day of Victory over Fascism;
  • May 12 – Day of Hope, the day of Georgia’s consecration to the Virgin Mary and Saint Andrew the First-Called, founder of the Georgian Orthodox church;
  • May 26 – Independence Day of Georgia;
  • August 28 – Saint Mary’s Day (Mariamoba);
  • October 14 – Mtskhetoba (Svetitskhovloba) - the holiday of the holy robe of Jesus;
  • November 23 – Saint George's Day (Giorgoba)
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