
Lecture of the Ambassador of Italy, H.E. Antonio Enrico Bartoli


On Thursday, April 18, at 4:00 pm, please join us for the Lecture of the Ambassador of Italy. H.E. Antonio Enrico Bartoli will present „Georgia and Italy – an ancient friendship looking at the future“


  • The relationship between Italy and Georgia is strong, it dates back before Christianity, from Emperor Vespasian to the famous Venetian Marco Polo.
  • In the seventeenth century, Theatine Fathers from Italy introduced Georgia to Europe.
  • Cristoforo Castelli spent twenty-two years from 1632 to 1654 in Georgia. His drawings, notes and letters offer a vivid testimony abought faces and customs of that time.
  • The first book printed in Georgian, in 1629, is the “Dittionario giorgiano e italiano”, was realized - with the collaboration of a Georgian monk - by Stefano Paolini.
  • Italy recognized the First Republic of Independent Georgia. After the collapse of USSR, the diplomatic relations have been restored in 1992.
  • During his official visit to Georgia in July 2018, our President, Sergio Mattarella pointed out that our two countries both yearn for freedom, democracy and peace.
  • Georgia, a bridge between Europe and Asia, as well as Italy in the Mediterranean area, at the crossroads of continents, heirs of ancient civilizations.
  • Throughout the centuries the Road of Silk has been the path along which merchants, travelers, artists created intense relationships, an open door towards different cultures, faiths and ideas.
  • In these days, the Road of Silk is regaining its central role in tightening the connection between Europe and Asia at many levels.
  • From Economy to Culture, many case in point make stronger the millennial friendship between Italy and Georgia. Political, economic, cultural and scientific relations are constantly expanding. Our friendship is deeply rooted in the past, but projected into the future.

Date: April 18, 16:00, Ilia State University

Venue: “Ligamus” Book Store, 32 Chavchavadze Avenue

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