
Business Idea Competition for the ISU Business School Students- Global Entrepreneurship Week


ISU Business School is organizing a Business Idea Competition for the Bachelor’s degree students which will take place in November in the frames of the Global Entrepreneurship Week. 

In summer of 2018 the 10 successful entrants will travel to the University of Masaryk (Brno, Czech Republic) or the University of Minos (Gimares, Portugal) for full funding to attend a one-week training programme that enables them to develop their innovative business ideas and business plan. 

Who can participate? 

If you are a bachelor’s student at Ilia State University Business School and have an innovative and creative idea, can negotiate challenges, are ready, willing and able to work hard and if you believe in your abilities, this competition is made precisely for you. 

Why to participate? 

Participation in the competition gives you the opportunity to: 

  • gain knowledge to formulate business ideas and present them, develop required skills and be ready to do business; 
  • get in touch with people with interests similar to yours and generate creative and innovative ideas together with them. 

How to participate? 

Submit a filled out application form not later than November 10th of the current year. 

To fill in the application form click the link 


The competition will be held in three stages: 

The First Stage – Review of Applications 

Selected candidates will be contacted not later than November 12th

The Second Stage – Meeting with Mentors 

The candidates will meet with the mentors of the Business School and ISU Business Accelerator and will assist them in improving their ideas. 

The Third Stage – Demo Day 

The contestants will present the jury their innovative ideas, and the 10 winners will be announced. 


With the support of the Erasmus + Project EUCA-INVEST, 10 winners will get full scholarships to attend a one-week training programme at the University of Masaryk (Brno, the Czech Republic) or at the Univesity of Minio (Gimares, Portugal) where they will be able to refine their business ideas and develop their business plans. 

For further information: 

Gvantsa Tatishvili 

Mob: 599 179 330 

E-mail address:

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