Working Session of the 7th Framework Program
FP7 Protection of Environment (including climate change), October 7-8, 2010 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Cooperation of the European Commission and so-called Third Countries is one of the most important aspects of FP7. In the Topic #6, which concerns protection of environment (including climate change), international cooperation is realized with the help of two mechanisms:
• Scholars and research organizations from the Third Countries are given a chance to carry out all types of research activities. Several issues of the program are specifically tailored in order to support the Third Country participants in the projects;
• Specific activities of international cooperation (SICA) are planed in the framework of the program. Participation of the Third Countries in SICA projects is mandatory. These projects are directed towards sharing and application of knowledge with the Third Countries by the means of research partnerships.
Working session will take place in the frames of the 7th Framework Program IncoNet EECA. This meeting sets the goal to bring together researchers and other interested persons from the European Union, Eastern Europe and countries of the Central Asia. It is planed to organize presentation of grant competitions, that are planed for 2011. Participants will have an opportunity to meet potential partners and discuss their future cooperation in order to prepare grants applications in the following fields:
• Climate change, pollution and risks
• Sustainable resource management
• Earth studies and mechanisms of assessment of sustainable development.
Working language of the meeting is English. Deadline for registration is August 2, 2010. For online registration please, visit the link: Contact person: Mrs. Anahit Khachikyan,
For additional information please, contact Office of Development and Foreign Relations of the Ilia State University.