Quarry Life Award
HeidelbergCement announces an international scientific and educational competition “The Quarry Life Award” with participation of 17 countries worldwide, including Georgia. The competition is open to all students and researchers. They are able to take part individually or as a team. The contest incorporates two key steps:
Step I – Represent your idea: all interested persons need to register for an account at the web-page (www.quarrylifeaward.ge) designed precisely for this project in order to fill out the application form. Three quarries are discussed in Georgia: Kavtiskhevi Limestone Quarry; Dedoplistskaro Limestone Quarry and Gardabani Limestone Quarry.
The concepts must be submitted by 17th February 2012.
On March 5, 2012, the national jury will select the best five ideas for the step II.
Step II - Submit your Project Proposal; From March 5 to September 28, the selected candidates will do their bests for the project. HeidelbergCement provides the financial support (500 Euro) for project preparation. The project proposal should be max. 10 pages. The final project report must be submitted till 28 th September.
The winners at the national and global levels will be released in November-December, 2012. (The selected projects from each country will be discussed at the global contest in Belgium in parallel). The best three participants at the national level will be awarded with 1500, 3000 and 5000 euro. The global prizes of 10000, 20000 and 30000 euro will be awarded to the best three projects.
For detailed information about the competition, please visit the following sites: www.quarrylifeaward.ge; www.facebook.com/quarrylifeawardgeorgia or contact quarrylifeaward.GE@heidelbergcement.com
Heidelbergcement is a leading company in the global cement market. Its 2500 plants are located in the 40 countries over the world and incorporate 53 000 staff members.