The launch of the Covid 19 pandemic in 2020 brought significant changes to university life. In order to prevent the spread of the virus, Ilia State University has moved the study and work process to a completely remote mode from the spring semester of 2019-2020. The University later developed an "Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan",which allowed the training and work process to be partially restored to normal in the fall of 2020, taking into account the relevant recommendations of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.
At this stage, the university is carrying out practical and laboratory training, as well as students have the opportunity to use the services of the library and resource center.
The following measures are currently being taken at the University to prevent the spread of the virus:
- Movement on the territory of the University is allowed only by a face mask;
- It is mandatory to conduct thermoscreening upon entering the university (in case of temperature above 37 degrees, the person will not be allowed on the campus);
- Disobarriers were placed at the university;
- Disinfectants were placed at the university: solutions, disposable wipes and closed containers for used hygienic waste;
- After each working day, the common use space is being tidied up/sanitized in a wet manner, as well as periodically (at 2-hour intervals) the frequently used surfaces are sanitized.
- Ventilation of the building several times a day to prevent the spread of the virus;
- Students are admitted to the educational institution according to a pre-defined plan / schedule;
- Students can be accommodated in classrooms only by observing the appropriate distance (min. 1 meter);
- There are individual means of protection for employees in the workplace: face masks, gloves, disinfectant solutions, disposable wipes, face shields;
- In case of symptoms by the employee, guest and / or student in case of violation of the mandatory requirements of this plan, as well as in case of confirmed and / or identified cases of COVID-19, the University has arranged an isolation space with natural ventilation.
The existing regulations are based on and periodically updated in accordance with the relevant recommendations of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.