Opening for the academic positions
Therefore, it is hereby ordered to:
Announce an open competition for academic positions at Ilia State University starting from October 19, 2011 in the following fields:
a) Clinical Psychology – one full position for a Full Professor;
b) Social Neuroscience- one full position for a Full Professor;
c) Ecology – one full position for a Full Professor;
d) Neurobiology- one full position for a Full Professor;
e) Law- one full position for a Full Professor;
f) Microbial Ecology – one full position for a Full professor;
g) Evolutionary Anthropology - one full position for a Full Professor;
h) Soviet and Post Soviet Studies- one full position for a Full Professor;
i) Medical Rehabilitation – one full position for an Associate Professor.
2) The contest must be in the line with the principles of transparency, equality and fair competition.
3) In order to participate in the contest an applicant shall submit the following documents:
a) An application form drawn up by the University;
b) A copy of an ID;
c) Four photos 3x4;
d) Photocopies of corresponding documents certifying scientific and academic degrees.
d) The scientific research, which in candidate’s view best represents his/her research skills;
3) An annual study plan (syllabus).
4) Only individual with a relevant academic degree may participate in the contest, namely:
a) In order to take a position of an Associate Professor a candidate shall have a Scientific Candidate’s Scientific Degree or a Doctor’s Academic Degree and have at least 3 years scientific and teaching work experience.
b) In order to take a position of a Full Professor, a candidate shall have a Scientific Candidate’s Scientific Degree or a Doctor’s Academic Degree and have at least 6 years scientific and teaching work experience.
5. Participants’ assessment shall be made by the academic board or the commission created specially by the Academic Board. The decision shall be made considering the following basic criteria:
a) Candidate’s ability to teach according to the modern needs meeting corresponding specialties.
b) Teaching work experience.
c) Number of scientific publications (especially over 10 years)
d) Experience in fund raising for research and research experience.
6. Application forms shall be submitted at the Ilia State University Chancellery , Add: 3/5 2011 from November 21 to December 9.
7. The completion results shall be announced on January 10. 2012.
8. The Documents shall be submitted in electronic form as well (scientific research papers are not necessarily to be presented in electronic form) . The electronic forms of the documents shall be presented in a CD-ROM format or to be sent to the following email: