WELCOME PARTY 2024 for Iliauni First-Year Students
Join us for a special Welcome Party for the first-year students on September 28 at 19:00 in the Iliauni Courtyard of Building E.
Professor Nino Doborjginidze, Rector of Ilia State University, and Ketevan Darakhvelidze, Head of Administration, will begin the evening with heartfelt congratulations on the start of their academic journey.
We will traditionally reward those first-year students who have successfully passed the Unified National Examinations and those who have distinguished themselves through Iliauni’s scholarship programs.
Following the awards, enjoy a live concert featuring Tape Visitors and MORB.
We congratulate you on starting the academic year and looking forward to seeing you!
Date and Time: September 28, 19:00
Location: Building E Courtyard, Ilia State University (3/5 K. Cholokashvili Avenue)
Everyone interested is welcome.