Summer School on Inclusive Education
Thirty students from the Ilia State University will participate in the summer school organized by the Ministry of Education of Norway.
On June 21-July 10, Ilia State University will host the summer school that offers the audience two modules: “Inclusive education and classroom practice” and “Disfunction of speech development and forms of communication.”
In order to implement modern programs of inclusive education, Ministry of Education and Science and the Ilia State University supported establishment of the summer school that would be dedicated to inclusive education and students with special educational needs.
The summer school sets the goal to aid professional development of teachers who work with children with special educational needs. Program is intended for BA graduates, kindergarten and school teachers. The program is attended by thirty students (BA and MA levels) and thirty teachers from public schools and kindergartens.
The project is implemented in partnership and with financial aid from the Ministry of Education of Norway. On July 5-9 professors from Norway will conduct training for the participants of the summer school.