Students Visit Sweden
Students enrolled in the program of marine archaeology of the Ilia State University spent seven weeks at the Stockholm University (Sweden). During their stay in Sweden, Ioseb Beritashvili, Paata Donadze, Madona Mshvildadze and Ruby Kharamio continued their studies in marine archaeology.
Visit to Sweden took place in the framework of the marine archaeology project, that was initiated by the Ilia State University and the Stockholm University in 2009. Funding for the project is provided by the Swedish Institute and involves MARIS and Stockholm University. Contact person of the project is PhD Ulrica Söderlind from the Stockholm University.
Study process took place mainly in mainland Sweden and Öland Islands. The program covered courses in diving, deeper theoretical as well as practical study of working methods and documentation of underwater material.
Four students from the Ilia State University are also involved to take part in the new project “Nautical and Naval Foodways Assessment”. The project will be carried out with support of marine archaeology research center “MARIS” and the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA).