Public Lecture by John Hill: “Dreamlike Mind: Spontaneous Approach to the Life”
Friday, January 22nd, Ilia State University hosted a public lecture of the philosopher and psychoanalyst John Hill: "A Dreamlike Mind: Spontaneous Approach to the Life". The lecture was dedicated to the dreamlike mind, which gives us an opportunity to experience an alternate existence.
John Hill has received his degree in philosophy from the Dublin University and the Catholic University of America. He also is a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute in Zürich. John Hill is a practicing training analyst who published works on the Celtic myths, James Joyce, Christian mysticism, Jung's associative experiments, dreams etc.
Ability of conducting analysis decreases in the dreams compared to increase in emotions and long-term memory. In the dreams memories become understandable while they transform external events and make them part of the person's identity.
Dreams express spontaneity of the mind, which is free from everyday external limitations. At the same time they provide a protected, secure area where activity of the mind absolutely differs from the functioning of the clear consciousness. Opportunities otherwise impossible to be created and developed in everyday life emerge and support acknowledgement of the identity. They suggest the ways of problem resolution which would be impossible in case of the clear consciousness. As illustration John Hill presented dreams and individual cases.