Ilia State University International Doctoral School
IDS represent a central (cross-faculty) support unit at ISU assigned to enhance (structured) international doctoral education of high academic standards based on cotutelle agreements between partner institutions, promoting double/joint and international degree programs and supporting doctoral students in achieving academic excellence by offering doctoral skills training opportunities (methodological, subject-specific courses and transferable skills training), networking/social events as well as counseling services, guiding them towards internationally competitive doctoral degrees.
The first major IDS program, the “Carl Friedrich Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program” (LHIDP) has been running in cooperation with the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen since the beginning of 2018. The LHIDP gives the participating doctoral students the opportunity of receiving co-supervision from a Georgian-German supervisory team and doctoral degrees from each of the two universities upon successful completion of their doctoral projects. The project is supported by generous funding provided by the German Volkswagen Foundation and the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia.
Another major collaborative program – “Democracy, Human Rights, and Religion” has been initiated with the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU) since 2019. It offers the ten participating doctoral students the opportunity to pursue doctoral research in Practical Philosophy within a structured Cotutelle-based framework, including several research visits to WWU. This project is funded by the German Volkswagen Foundation.
For more information, follow: https://internationaldoctoralschool.iliauni.edu.ge