Within the framework of ERASMUS+ 2017 CBHE Programme funded project “CHANGE IN CLASSROOM: Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries (PRINTeL)”, a 5-day intensive training of trainers (TOT) is envisioned for Ilia State University (ISU) trainer/lecturers. 15 ISU academic personnel will be trained to enhance the innovative and technological methods of teaching, which will then be transferred to at least 10 colleagues of Ilia State University.
ISU announced the open university-wide call on August 10 (deadline September 10), 2018 to select trainees to be the potential academic staff development trainers at ISU Teaching Staff Development Center (TSDC). 23 applications were received from 4 ISU schools. The selection of the TOT candidates has been carried out on a competitive basis by the special selection committee through assessing the credentials of the applicants and administering interviews with all candidates. The selection committee included ISU Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Affairs, Head of the Office of Human Resources, Head of Development Office Head/Project Coordinator, Quality Assurance Contact Points from each ISU School, and Education School field expert. 15 candidates were selected including 5 from the School of Arts and Sciences, 6 from the Business School, 2 from the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, and 2 from the School of Law.
ToTs are to be held at the PRINTeL Project EU partner universities - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Universidade do Porto (U.PORTO), Linkopings Universitet (LiU), and Graz FH Joanneum Gesellschaft (FHJ).