International Conference „Medicine and Innovation“
In the framework of the project "InTech4MED - Innovation and Technology in Medicine" on September 28, 2024, the scientific conference "Medicine and Innovation" will be held.
Date and timing: September 28th, 10:00 – 16:00
Venue: Conference room G106, Ilia State University (Giorgi Tsereteli str., #1)*
To attend event online, please join zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 853 0829 4798
Passcode: 847179
Aim: Presentation of research projects and their results by young researchers and students in the fields of medicine, biomedicine, public health, and related scientific directions. Promoting the development of research skills of young scientists and students through the implementation of interactive educational and practical activities
Target group: Young researchers, doctoral and master's students.
Working language: English